Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Impossible Will Happen

Nada es imposible para Dios. 

"Jesus le dijo >>al hombre es imposible, pero no para Dios, porque todas las cosas son posibles para Dios.<<
Marcos 10:27

Even while you're waiting for God to lead, 
you can enjoy the process! 
Here is a picture of me in Colombia, Bogota-area, 
blown away by the way my DTS leader got blown away by this mean old cow! 
Kathryn got to her before I could pet her=-P
Then I decided "Maybe the best course of action is
to NOT pet the seemingly nice cow." 

Ode to...a Cow 
It is safe to say I can appreciate the cow
but only from the distance my conscience will allow. 
She deceived us all with her friendly nature 
but hiding 'neath the spots is a devilish creature. 
She lowers her head 
and bowls people over--
But looks so innocent 
when she's munching the clover. 

Seriously, though, nothing is impossible with God. 
If He wants you somewhere, you're going to be there. 
It doesn't matter how insecure you FEEL about it--
Christ is stronger than our hearts
stronger than our feelings. 
We may be inadequate, but Jesus is more than adequate. 
So I encourage you to trust Him, 
even if you're not sure
whether to go or stay. 

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