Wednesday, September 25, 2013

And He has said to me, 
Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

a personal defect or failing.

a special fondness or inclination.
something of which one is excessively fond or desirous.


You could say: "I have a weakness for green grapes." 

"I have a weakness for cellos." 

Some people are excessively fond of those two things. 
Some people just can't seem to get enough grapes, or hear enough cello music. 
These aren't bad things--
but they're called weaknesses
If you think about it, a weakness is like a gap where affection goes. 
Different people are created with unique palates of desire. 
Our desires usually lead to selfish fulfillment. 
But what if God fills in the gap? 
Suddenly, the weakness is strong
Suddenly, we don't have to be ashamed of our spiritual weaknesses, 
because with God present in the weakness, it will be used for His glory.

Both of the examples (cello, grape) above are physical. 
But humans are more, much more, than physical, and while God gives one person a desire to minister to orphans, He gives another the desire to help with building houses. 

For instance, if these  kids were  smiling at me like that...
I would be helpless, completely helpless. 
Pretty sure I would do anything for them. 
It's not just that they're cute, it's that they strike a chord in my heart. 
And I really cannot explain it. Africa's culture itself is fascinating, her people full of "soul". 

The word "weakness" is used so blandly, in reference to items of food or taste in music, etc. 
What if we examined our true weakness? 
What is it that "gets" to us?
Can we somehow harness that weakness, and  let God work through it to accomplish His task?

It's not about giving in, or not giving in--failing, or succeeding--winning, or losing. 
It's about letting the weakness in us come out.
Letting it be brought to light, so that as we humble ourselves in the Lord's presence, 
He will exalt us, 
in His time. 

What could be more powerful? 
What could be stronger? 

[not THIS...surely....]

but how about this....

We're puny.
We're small.
We're weak. 
He's strong. 
But according to Colossians 1:24--29, Christ lives in us, if we've accepted Him as our saving King. 
So actually, we have to start off empty and weak, 
so we can be filled with the strength--Christ--
and be strong because of His strength! 

That is why Paul says "I will gladly boast"! 

And this is why God makes beautiful things out of the dust, perfection out of weakness.

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