Monday, September 16, 2013

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds." 
Hebrew 10:24

Is it what they do?
How they make us feel?
How they succeed?
 Imagine the most inspirational person/people you know.
Inspire: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative.

 When you're around an inspiring person, THEY aren't your center of focus. Suddenly, YOU are the one filled with belief and creativity. Your doubt falls away. You don't ask "what if I fail?" because you are immediately certain that everything will work out, that your ability is enough, and you can do something useful with it. 
    A really inspirational person doesn't tout his/her abilities, or even  travel their circle of friends saying "lookee here, I'm inspired, pay me homage I'm such a genius". That would not be motivational; someone like that would work as a natural repellent, leading people to speculate "Well, I guess it's his/her 'thing'". 
 Ladies and gents, if it's just his/her thing, then it's completely random. It just "is", there's no explanation. The person who has the gift or ability can't explain it, so they take all the praise. Praise in a human has difficulty digesting--it puffs men and women up like pastries. I mean, what are we going to say? "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome, I've known it for a long time now." Suddenly no one's inspired. Everyone's just standing around gawking. 

In the end, we have to ask ourselves "WHO is getting the glory for what I'm doing? Me? Or is there someone else better than that helped me do it?" 
          There's another definition of "Inspire". 

breathe in (air); inhale


When  someone inspires us, it's like a breath of fresh air.
  We feel free.
  We feel boundless, reckless, joyful.
It's almost like living life all over again; our spirit is light and eager.
        If there weren't any people to inspire us, if there was just a single person in the world, and it was you....who would be breathing life into you? When there's no audience, who is watching?
When there's no inspiration, who is the one inspiring? 

..........just imagine......

keep imagining.........!

and inspired......

because oh, how He does love us........



  1. Thank you for your post. Kaleb says he found the pictures to be inspiring - great choices. "Someone was on a Fibonacci search!"

    So, who is someone you find to be inspiring and why?

  2. Well, there are lots of people! You and Kaleb inspire me, for instance. Why: because you seem at peace with each other, the world, and God. There's no trying to be better than others, etc. Then there were SEVERAL people I met at Kidder Creek who really inspired lots of ways. Sometimes it was through my counselor; she had loads of joy and just spread it around. Then other people inspired me musically and by their attitude.
    Haha, yep it's the Golden Ratio all over--I like to think of it like God's fingerprint on creation=-D In fact if you look at a fingerprint, it spirals too! Pretty amazing.

    1. Thank you... "Seem" being the opportune word there - I certainly have my share of doubts, fears, and insecurities. I do think as I've gotten older though, I've become more at peace with not having all the answers to all of life's questions, and I've learned that we're rarely alone in our struggles.

      You inspire me in a lot of ways - your resilience, your passion, your deep thinking.

      I'm hoping we can go on a walk together this weekend, you and me?!

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